How To Protect Yourself from being hacked on Orkut

  1. Never enter your login details anywhere else except than the orkut homepage
  2. Never execute any file from any user until you are sure that its 100% safe. If you have doubt then upload it to and get scanned by various antiviruses for free
  3. If you are trying to be a hacker and trying to play with a keylogger then NEVER download a keylogegr setup from unreliable sources. Always get it from it’s official homepage. You may later apply the keys from other sites:P
  4. If someone else post any link then before clicking on the hyperlink make sure the written address and the target address is the same. just hover your mouse pointer over the link and target location will appear on the status bar below. Eg [this link may appear to you google link but its not]
  5. Before executing any javascript or istalling any greasemonkey script make sure its safe. If you know little bit of coding then just view the source of the script, you can easily feagure it out.
  6. If you visit anyone’s profile on orkut and gets some alert messege and then redirected to some other page become caucious because it happened due to xss present in the added application on that profile.
  7. Try to keep the login email id and the primary email id different on okut. There have been several cases of account disabling due to bug on one orkut form. once the account is disabled the ownership gets transferred to other people. In that form only login email was required so to be on safe side its not good to share it with others.
  8. If you own any community then its better to keep the ownership to a seprate profile which you do not use frequently. It will help you to keep the ownership safe.
  9. If you ever feel that you are being keylogged [or if you are using shared computers like in cafes] then better not to use keyboard for entering details. Use onscreen keyboard. Goto run and type OSK and press enter , it will open the on screen keyboard. Use it for entering your details there.
  10. If anytime you feel that your COOKIE is stolen and you are using gmail account then just log into your gmail account, SCroll down and click on “DETAILS” links. A popup window will appear showing all the last login details. There you may see the option of “Sign out all the sessions”. click on it and done.